ApparenceKit CLI 4.0.0 update: Onboarding module, iOS setup, Meta pixel, and more

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ApparenceKit V4 is a huge update.

After one year, Apparencekit CLI is now more powerful than ever. From the beginning, I wanted to create a tool that would help developers to create beautiful and efficient apps.

And since I started to build and publish apps myself I have been constently working on finding the best patterns and practices to make my apps better. With ApparenceKit I wanted to share this knowledge with you.

New Paywall available

A new paywall is now available. This paywall is providing 2 offer choice. One with a trial and one without. This is a new classic pattern that is proven to increase conversion rate.

ApparenceKit paywall

Paywall factory for easy A/B testing

Now you can easily test different paywall with the new paywall factory. This will allow you to test different paywall and see which one is the most efficient for your app.

/// ===============================================
/// This is an example of how to get the paywall from the remote config
/// You can use this to test different paywalls
/// ===============================================
final configuredPaywall = ref
     .read(remoteConfigApiProvider) //

 final paywallFactory = switch (configuredPaywall) {
   'withSwitch' => PaywallFactory.withSwitch,
   _ => PaywallFactory.basic,

Then after you can use the factory to get the paywall you want to show.

See more on how to use it in the premium_page.dart file.

New Onboarding module

I am very excited to introduce the new onboarding module.

I have worked a lot to improve onboarding on all my apps and I wanted to share this with you. After studying the best onboarding experiences in the market, I have selected some patterns that work well.

This is what I use on my own apps and I'm sharing it with you.

ApparenceKit Flutter feature onboarding template ApparenceKit Flutter permission onboarding template ApparenceKit Flutter question onboarding template

It contains:

Asking question is a great way to know your users and improve your app. This is how you can target the right users and improve your app.

And of course, a great onboarding is also the best opportunity to show your paywall. ApparenceKit onboarding module is fully customizable and you can easily add your own steps.

iOS setup

THe iOS setup has been improved.

Before you had to manually add some code to your iOS project. Now this is done automatically.

The only thing you have to do is to choose your team and put your bundle identifier.

Easy peasy 🤘

Meta pixel integration

Meta pixel can now be automatically configured. ApparenceKit CLI will ask you if you want to configure facebook pixel events.

💡 Meta pixel is useful when you want to create efficient ads campaign. It will help you to track users install and improve your ads targeting.

📄 Complete Changelog

Here is the complete changelog of ApparenceKit CLI 4.0.0:

Responsive layout builder



New module : Onboarding

Facebook pixel configuration

Supabase anonymous auth

iOS setup

Bug Fix and improvements

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