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Don't waste your time reinventing the wheel. After making these features for more than 50 apps, we created this Flutter template for us. And now you can use it too.

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Check what they says

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Todd M

CTO at a startup

apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star

The support has been excellent, and this alone makes it a great product! Very flexible toolkit with many options to handle your needs for your flutter app.

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The kit is really great, it has saved me 100's of hours, I've been 1 days just setting up notifications and payments, without this I don't know what would have taken me.. Also I've been about 2 or 3 days really absorbing all the architecture and now trying to replicate it, the code is really well documented and organized

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Louis Korczowski Co-founder | PhD - AI & ML

apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star apparencekit review rating star

Best buy in the world to launch your app in just a few days.
When we developed, we spent days integrating necessary but non-native features (e.g. subscription, user reviews, email validation, etc.). These are things that are mandatory for a modern app, yet it's hell to integrate (and a waste of time). For 100€ I could have saved several weeks of development, moldy debugging and useless fatigue.

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K. Nguyen


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Hey Apparance Team,
Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say a big thanks for that boilerplate code you shared.
Made my life way easier and saved me a ton of time.

Kudos to you!

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Pieter van der Westhuizen


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Coming from a BloC background, I purchased AppearanceKit for learning Riverpod. In the process I discovered a treasure trove of developer wisdom. It’s an exemplary guide for app architecture, theming, notifications, and in-app purchases.

It's transformed the way I'm building my next app.
Definitely worth the investment!

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Shams Ali


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I’ve used ApparenceKit in one of my new projects. It’s well structured and saved me a lot of time as it includes all the necessary things any modern app requires.

Thank you a lot for putting your best in it, I’d recommend it to anyone creating apps with Flutter.

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If you are looking for a Kit to always have with you to obtain graphic interfaces and performance in step with the market for Flutter, you absolutely must try AppearanceKit-Pro...

Don’t waste your time and money reinventing the wheel

After making apps for 6+ years.
We give you all you need to be productive on day 1
why use a flutter boilerplate

onboarding screen template made with flutter


First impression is key

Onboarding is the first thing your user will see. It’s the first impression. It’s the moment where you can show your user how your app is great but also get more insights.
Feature showcase
Showcase the key features of your app to your users

Ask some questions to your users to get more insights
Explain why you need permissions to double the number of users accepting them
The key to create a profitable app if to show the paywall at the right moment

flutter authentication screen boilerplate


Secured by default

Add authentication to your app in minutes. We handle the UI, security, and user management so you can focus on building your app.
Firebase or Supabase
Choose between 2 of the most popular and secured serverless solutions

REST API authentication
Or use your own backend. We will store your authentication token and handle all the authentication flow
Auth page
All auth pages (login, signup, password reset) are working and customizable.
Social logins
From twitter, facebook, google... We brings everything we can to help you add social login to your app.

mobile paywall screen made with flutter


Create a profitable business

Monetize with in-app subscriptions in minutes instead of a week using RevenueCat.
Android And iOS
Fully working with Android and iOS in-app subscription.

Multiple paywall
Easily test paywall with multiple popular paywall templates included
Subscription page
All subscription pages (subscription, active or not, refund) are working and customizable.
Subscription state
Retrieve your user subscription easily. With one line of code you can check if your user has a premium.

Save 3 months of work

Create your app using our 6 years of making Flutter apps and more than 50+ apps

kickstarter for flutter apps

notification screen template made with flutter and firebase


Engage your users

No app can grow without notifications. Notifications are the reason why mobile apps are the most engaging things ever made. You can’t create an app without them.
Firebase notifications
To send a notification on Android google force us to use firebase. Plus it allows to send iOS notifications

Device registered
Either you use firebase as a backend or not. Everything is ready to register your users devices.
Notifications page
Ready to use and customizable notifications history page is available. + seens status handled
React everywhere
Subscribe to new notifications everywhere when app is in foreground.

We provides customizable Flutter templates for all your needs

Focus on your business using our enterprise-grade best practices.
As this is code you can customize everything to fit your needs.


Notifications are a key part of the user experience. Handle push notifications, local notifications and engage your users.
1 week saved

Subscription payments

Monetize your app with in-app subscriptions for Android and iOS.
1 week saved


Secure and persistant authentication. Plus pre-built UI for login, signup and forgot password.
1 week saved


Use your own backend, Supabase or Firebase as you prefer
1 week saved

Social logins

Add social logins with right plugin to your app using a CLI command.
1 week saved

Bottom navigation

Easy adaptive navigation bar for Android and iOS made with routes.
3 days saved


Hunt down and annihilate bugs in seconds with our solid test suite and practices.
infinite headaches saved

In-app reviews

You can only ask for a review 3 times a year. Request one at the right time to rank your app at the top of the stores.
3 days saved


Collect feedbacks from your users easily New feature Vote page and Request form included
4 days saved


Create light and dark themes for your app in seconds. Allowing also to easily create custom theme per platform if needed.
1 week saved


Create a beautiful onboarding experience for your users. Using our pre-built onboarding module.
1 week saved


Compile your app for the web with the same codebase.
weeks saved

And many more...


One-time purchase for unlimited projects

10 days money back guarantee
No questions asked


$415 $210 USD

1 solo developer

  • 1 year updates included
  • All templates included
  • Web compatibility
  • Supabase functions boilerplate
  • Firebase functions boilerplate
  • Internationalization
  • Analytics
  • Unlimited usage of code & unlimited projects
  • Access to the Discord community
  • Dedicated support on demand

Startup Unlimited

$550 $315 USD

1 developer - pay once for lifetime updates

  • Lifetime updates
  • All templates included
  • Web compatibility
  • Supabase functions boilerplate
  • Firebase functions boilerplate
  • Internationalization
  • Analytics
  • Unlimited usage of code & unlimited projects
  • Access to the Discord community
  • Dedicated support on demand

Scale Fast

$950 USD

Unlimited developers + live setup assistance

  • 1 year updates included
  • All templates included
  • Web compatibility
  • Supabase functions boilerplate
  • Firebase functions boilerplate
  • Internationalization
  • Analytics
  • Unlimited usage of code & unlimited projects
  • Access to the Discord community
  • Dedicated support on demand
  • Live support on demand
  • Web dashboard (supabase only)
  • Unlimited developers
  • Feature requests prioritized
  • 1h of free consulting on your app
  • Live setup assistance on demand
Check all included features here
👋 Need a developer to build your app?
We can help you
kickstarter for flutter apps

Enjoy your purchase with complete peace of mind

10 days guarantee for all purchases.
No questions asked.
ApparenceKit is a flutter template generator tool by © 2025.
All rights reserved