Flutter onboarding template

A great onboarding experience is key to keep your users engaged. Use our pre-built onboarding template to create a great first impression.

flutter onboarding feature template


Engage your users

Our pre-built onboarding template helps you create a great first impression. Show your users the key features of your app and keep them engaged.
Simple smooth animations included

Ready to use with multiple language
Easily customizable

flutter onboarding question template


Get more insights

Knowing your users is key to improve your app and target the right users. Onboarding is the best place to ask questions.
Single choice
Ask simple single choice questions

Multiple choice
Ask multiple choice questions
Answers are automatically saved into analytics and your backend
Easily customizable

flutter permissions feature template


Ask permissions

Ask for permissions at the right time. Explain your users why you need the permissions and how it will improve their experience. This practices shown to double the acceptance rate.
ATT ready
Ask for ATT consent on iOS 14+ if you enabled facebook pixel

Notification permission request screen
Easily customizable. You can also duplicate this for location permission or any other

Fully customizable template

This template is fully customizable to fit your app design. You can change the colors, the animations, the layout, and the way the notifications are displayed. The code has been written to be easily understandable and modifiable.

We saves you tons of time so you can focus on your idea and business.

ApparenceKit is a flutter template generator tool by Apparence.io © 2025.
All rights reserved