ApparenceKit used plugins

Here is a list of the most important plugins used in this project. This list is not exhaustive. It also depends on the generated module you requested from the ApparenceCli tool. You can find the full list in the pubspec.yaml file.

I encourage you to limit the number of plugins you use in your project.
The more plugins you use the more conflits you will have.

All the plugins used in this project are well maintained and used by a lot of people.
We personally used them in production and were happy with them.

  • Riverpod: state management Riverpod is the most advanced state management solution for flutter.
  • Bart: bottom bar routing Creating a bottom bar navigation is a pain. Bart is a great solution to handle bottom bar with a routing navigation in your app.
  • Flutter animate Flutter animates improves the default flutter animation system. It allows you to create complex animations with ease. (check the Subscription page for an example)
  • dio: http requests Dio is a great http client for flutter. It allows you to create a custom http client with interceptors, etc... It also has a lot of interesting extensions.
  • intl Intl is the official flutter package to handle localisation. It allows you to create localised strings, dates, etc...
  • firebase_messaging Firebase messaging is the official flutter package to handle notifications. It allows you to send and receive push notifications. Push notifications are not always visible. You can receive a notification without any visual feedback. You can also send data with your notification.
  • flutter_local_notifications Flutter local notifications is a great package to handle local notifications. It allows you to schedule notifications, create custom notifications, etc... It's the best solution to handle local notifications.
  • firebase_core Firebase core is the official flutter package to handle firebase. It allows you to initialize firebase in your app. As we use firebase for notifications, we need to initialize it.
  • json_anotation Json annotation is a great package to generate json serialization and deserialisation code. It allows you to generate json serialization code with ease.
  • freezed Freezed is a great package to generate immutable classes. It allows you to generate immutable classes with ease. It also generates a lot of useful methods like copyWith, etc...
  • google_fonts Google fonts lets you use any fonts available on the google fonts website.
  • build_runner Flutter and dart uses a lot of code generation. Build runner is the official tool to do this. (It is used by freezed, json_annotation, etc...)

You can find the full list of plugins in the pubspec.yaml file.