ApparenceKit CLI

ApparenceKit has a CLI that can help you setup your project and switch from custom backend api to Firebase or Supabase. It setup Android and iOS project and a lot of other things.
It will also contain many other commands to generate some modules.

Note: Even if you choose Supabase or Rest API we will still use a Firebase project. That's required only for the push notification as it is the only way to send those to Android devices.

Install the CLI remotely

Note: If you have bought the ApparenceKit Starter version you won't be able to install the CLI from the repository. You will get it as a standalone package (provided within the welcome email)

Create Personal Access Token on GitHub

From your GitHub account, go to Settings

  • → Developer Settings
  • → Personal Access Token
  • → Tokens (classic)
  • → Generate New Token (Give your password)
  • → Fillup the form (you can only give repo access)
  • → click Generate token
  • → Copy the generated Token, it will be something like ghp_sFhFsSHhTzMDreGRLjmks4Tzuzgthdvfsrta

Activate the ApparenceKit CLI from GitHub repository

For this we will use the dart pub command

dart pub global activate --source git https://<your token> --git-path cli


To update the CLI you can use the same command as above

dart pub global activate --source git https://<your token> --git-path cli

Install the CLI locally

1 - Clone the repo

git clone https://[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]

You will be prompter to enter your github password

2 - Then go to the folder and run

dart pub global activate --source path ./cli

When you install the CLI locally you will need to update it manually by pulling the repo and running the command above again.

Run ApparenceKit CLI

You can now run the CLI with

dart pub global run apparence_cli <command>

For example you can get all the commands with

dart pub global run apparence_cli --help