ApparenceKit CLI

ApparenceKit has a CLI that can help you setup your project and switch from custom backend api to Firebase or Supabase. It setup Android and iOS project and a lot of other things.
It will also contain many other commands to generate some modules.

Note: Even if you choose Supabase or Rest API we will still use a Firebase project. That's required only for the push notification as it is the only way to send those to Android devices.

Install the CLI remotely

Note: If you have bought the ApparenceKit Starter version you won't be able to install the CLI from the repository. You will get it as a standalone package (provided within the welcome email)

Create Personal Access Token on GitHub

From your GitHub account, go to Settings

  • Developer Settings > Personal Access Token
  • Select generate new token(classic) GitHub Token

  • Fillup the form (check repo rights) GitHub Token

  • Click Generate token
  • Copy the generated Token, it will be something like ghp_sFhFsSHhTzMDreGRLjmks4Tzuzgthdvfsrta

Activate the ApparenceKit CLI from GitHub repository

For this we will use the dart pub command

dart pub global activate --source git https://<your token> --git-path cli


To update the CLI you can use the same command as above

dart pub global activate --source git https://<your token> --git-path cli

Test Running ApparenceKit CLI

You can now run the CLI with

dart pub global run apparence_cli <command>

For example you can get all the commands with

dart pub global run apparence_cli --help